The availability of non-renewable energy sources such as crude oil, natural\ngas, coal etc., is fast diminishing. So the renewable energy sources such as solar,\nhydropower, geothermal, wind, tidal energy, are gaining more and more\nimportance. Many new developments to convert these renewable energy\nsources into usable forms are taking place. Most renewable energy sources are\nused to produce electricity. In this paper, a performance and efficiency simulation\nstudy of a smart-grid connected photovoltaic system using Chroma DC\nprogrammable power supply, AC programmable source and an Aurora Inverter\nis proposed. The simulation is performed in MATLAB environment\nwhere the Current-Voltage (I-V) and Power-Voltage (P-V) curves from the\nsolar array simulator are generated and plotted. The proposed topology has\nbeen verified with satisfactory results. In addition, temperature and irradiance\neffects on I-V and P-V characteristic curves are verified. Also, the efficiency\ncurves of the photovoltaic grid interface inverter are generated in the study.\nThe MATLAB code developed in this paper is a valuable tool for design engineers\ncomparing different inverters, calculating the optimum efficiency of a\ngiven inverter type.